Possible troublemaker Grandma Betty.
Betty Willbraham, 82, was told to take off her hat if she wanted to be served at the Hereward pub in Ely, Cambs. Staff insisted everyone in the pub is asked to remove their hats so their faces are visible to CCTV cameras in the event of trouble.
Betty had popped in at lunchtime for a meal and half a pint of Guinness.
According to The Sun she said: "I've never heard of a hatless pub. How ridiculous. It's the first time I've ever been asked to remove it - and I've been in that pub several times before. I'm of a generation who would always wear a hat for lunch."
Think our Coalition of the Willing might be taking the security thing a bit too far? Yeesh.
Actually, it's not even that we're taking it too far; it's that our schizoid approach is just laughable. Port security...eh. But make sure that granny takes off her hat!!!
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