President Bush woke up early and rode his mountain bike along the Clara Burgess Trail to the top of Murray Hill, which affords a spectacular view of the Coachella Valley and Little San Bernardino Mountains.Probably just more bad intelligence, that’s all.
The trail is considered strenuous for riding, with a 500-foot elevation gain. The total round-trip was a little more than 7 miles.
“He said it was a pretty tough terrain, but he enjoyed it,” Press Secretary Scott McClellan said.
Jim Foote, acting manager of the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument, said the Clara Burgess trail is also among those monument managers ask people to avoid part of the year to prevent disrupting endangered Peninsular bighorn sheep.
The trail is one of about 10 in the monument under a “voluntary avoidance” program. People are asked to stay off the Clara Burgess trail from Jan. 1 to June 30 during the sheep lambing season, he said.
It was uncertain Sunday night if White House organizers accompanying President Bush knew about the “voluntary avoidance” program.
Like they’d have given a flying shit either way. It doesn’t really matter whether they’re acting out of ignorance, incompetence, or avarice—the result it always the same: Doing whatever the fuck they want with no regard for anyone or anything else.
I hope the next White House Press Corps dinner features an amusing video of Bush looking around the Oval Office for his missing copy of the San Jacinto Mountains National Monument wildlife guide. It will be the perfect complement to the main course—pan-seared Peninsular bighorn sheep flanks with a side of mashed spotted owl.
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