Yesterday’s QotD got a lot of responses. Here is Bush’s presidency, as described by the Shakers (with repeats omitted):
apocalyptic oy clusterfuck trainwreck coup horrorfest fucked inconceivable Armageddon unbelievable AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! stolen shit Nixon catastrophe supercatastrophicfuckshittyodious disastrous craptacular kleptocracy contemptible “interesting” FUBAR predictable disaster kleptincompetostrophic mobius stoooopid duh hellass sorry trollking conspiracy fascist villainy abomination imbecile supercrappyfascististicundemocratadocious theo-fascist morphine bushed fuuuuuuck coma-inducing puppet clusterCheney evil putrid vile ignoble crass moronic sociopathic offal racist anathema infamous murderer wisdomless Halloweenish charlatan abysmal sucktastic failure sleazy drydrunk bastard warpimper hellsfodder backwoodsy impeachable hypocritical sinister treasonous dead decayed roach funeralized licker horrendous mindless 1984 anti-human Phenobarbital apropos run! “dude” barf wrong dangerous fabulist fuhgedaboudit splunge! cataclysm heartbreaking heinous criminal Republicans vomitrocious goatfuck d'oh! scary insane unfuckingbelievable stumblebum diddledumdumdiddledoowhadafuckfuckfuckfuckfuckadeedoo catastrophic antichrist conservagasm fashtastic vulture pus shameful crackbrained horrific depraved vacuous Texecutionist unaccountable fumbler latent schizoid pussyboy arrogant Caligulian vomitous repugnant waste pathological tragic Orwellian
Even altogether they don’t really do justice to the travesty that is the Bush administration.
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