What's also interesting is to see which states are abandoning Bush to the greatest degree. When measured by what percentage vote they gave Bush in 2004 compared to the latest approval ratings, here are the states in which the president has lost the most support:Well, I'm sure there's good brush-clearin' in Utah.
-- Kentucky (-21%)
-- Indiana (-21%)
-- North Dakota (-20%)
-- Montana (-20%)
And there are many other states not far behind, where the unpopular president has lost between 15 and 19 percent of his support.
...[I]n case you're wondering how he's doing back in the Lone Star State, Bush is clinging to a dismal 45 percent approval rating in his home state, with 17 percent loss of support since 2004.
At this rate, he may not even be able to go back home to Crawford after he's impeached.
Eight states (Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Vermont, Rhode Island, and New York) all come in with a less-than-30% approval rating already, with the last two topping out at a mere 24%.
Not good news for the embattled prez...which makes John Dean’s piece excerpted by Rex, below, all the more chilling. Finding that Bush falls into the James Dave Barber-defined category of an "active/negative," and bearing in mind that he must feel like a cornered rat on the sinking ship that is his administration, Dean’s prediction that "As the 2006 midterm elections approach, this active/negative president can be expected to take further risks” is truly scary stuff. Fates save us from our Dear Leader, since a block-headed majority obviously weren't interested in saving themselves, or the rest of us.
(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)
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