What is it with wingnuts and sex? Yeesh. In discussing this topic elsewhere, someone defended this law by saying that: "god gives men and women all they need to pleasure each other" and that using sex toys is adultery. Yes, adultery. Even when it's just the 'husband and wife' in 'the marriage bed', it's adultery. These people are freaks. Anyway, a friend of mine (who asked to remain anonymous) wrote this for the wingnuts and I thought you all would enjoy it:
I will not do it, it is sick,
I will not use a plastic dick.
I will not use a cooter ball,
They will not help my sex at all.
I will not use that buzzing stick,
for it's not naturally on his dick.
You will not touch me with those toys,
I'll only touch your natural boys.
I will not climax unnaturally,
for hell is not where I will be.
The rest of you are sure to fry,
From orgasms that make you fly.
And dildos, sorry, they will not do,
No sex in places from which I poo.
I only have one hole to fill,
and only with a man, I will.
Don't be a dirty, nasty freak,
The mind is strong, the flesh is weak.
Drop those whips and chains right now!
You can get to heaven I'll show you how!
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