A Ross County jail inmate hid a gun so well that not even the guards who did an extensive pat-down found it.Sure it did. It was probably slippery.
The Cleveland woman hid a loaded handgun inside her body and smuggled it all the way to her jail cell, where it accidentally fired when she was trying to hide it.
"While in the holding cell, she removed a .25-caliber semiautomatic from her vaginal cavity," Chillicothe Police Capt. Tom Hewitt said yesterday.
Victoria Lundy, 41, hid the gun in the toilet-paper holder. It fell to the floor and discharged.
The bullet lodged in the ceiling as guards scrambled to quickly recover the weapon, Hewitt said.Okay, I admit I’ve never used my vagina as a secret compartment, but I really don’t believe I could fit a gun in there.
…Hewitt said the incident won’t likely change jail policy.
"It’s the first time I’ve heard of it in my 25 years" he said. "There’s not a whole lot you can do. You can’t do body-cavity searches without a search warrant."
The pat-down of Lundy did include a search of the crotch area, said Assistant Jail Administrator Capt. Tim Holman of the Ross County sheriff’s office.
"It’s crazy, but it’s made us a little more aware," Holman said.
(Via Dlisted.)
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