Via BradBlog, I see that erstwhile House Majority Leader and embattled crook Tom DeLay has announced he will not seek reelection and will be leaving Congress "within months."
"I'm going to announce tomorrow that I'm not running for reelection and that I'm going to leave Congress," DeLay, who turns 59 on Saturday, said during a 90-minute interview on Monday. "I'm very much at peace with it." He notified President Bush in the afternoon. DeLay and his wife, Christine, said they had been prepared to fight, but that he decided last Wednesday, after months of prayer and contemplation, to spare his suburban Houston district the mudfest to come. "This had become a referendum on me," he said. "So it's better for me to step aside and let it be a referendum on ideas, Republican values and what's important for this district."Charming, as always.
…"I'm a realist. I've been around awhile. I can evaluate political situations," DeLay told TIME at his kitchen table in Sugar Land, a former sugar plantation in suburban Houston. Bluebonnets are blooming along the highways. "I feel that I could have won the race. I just felt like I didn't want to risk the seat and that I can do more on the outside of the House than I can on the inside right now. I want to continue to fight for the conservative cause. I want to continue to work for a Republican majority."
Asked if he had done anything illegal or immoral in public office, DeLay replied curtly, "No." Asked if he'd done anything immoral, he said with a laugh, "We're all sinners." Asked what he would do differently, he said, "Nothing."
Ever the evasive snake, DeLay failed to mention that his decision may have less to do with a selfless interest in fighting “for the conservative cause,” and more to do with, uh, this:
The decision came just three days after his former deputy chief of staff, Tony C. Rudy, pleaded guilty to conspiracy and corruption charges, telling federal prosecutors of a criminal enterprise being run out of DeLay's leadership offices.Wanting to work for a Republican majority...scared stupid about what's coming next... tomato...tomahto. Whatever moves the shit through the pipes is fine by me.
Seeya, Tom.
(More from Time, WaPo, MSNBC, CNN, AP, Houston Chronicle. Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)
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