The Guardian, one of my favorite papers for many years, has a great group blog called Comment is Free with an absolutely amazing collection of contributors from all over the world, including many names with which we’re all familiar—Eric Alterman, Sidney Blumenthal, Jimmy Carter, Noam Chomsky, Germaine Greer, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Arianna Huffington, Greg Palast, etc. It’s really an astounding collection of writers from across the political spectrum.
And, somehow, those nutty Brits made the mistake of thinking I ought to be among them, a decision, I feel, reminiscent of the questionable judgment exhibited by another Brit in 2002, when he made me his wife.
So, my first piece, The Hollywood Generals, is now up. Hope you enjoy it—along with all the other great stuff you'll find there!
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