I Hate Tom Cruise

It's bad enough that I know who the guy is, and it's bad enough that news about his alien spawn is paid more attention than the criminal activities of Prezint Sneaky McLiesalot, but then he has to go and say something stupid like this: (Bold mine)
Is the Tom Cruise publicity machine finally taking a break from its jet-setting promotional ways? Not quite.

Less than a week after the birth of daughter Suri, Cruise has forsaken diaper duty and turned up in Rome for the Italian premiere of Mission: Impossible III Monday night.

But, lest you think Cruise, who appeared on ABC two days after Suri's birth to promote his spy sequel, would rather hype a movie than burp a baby, the couch-hopping star says he is cutting short his European vacation, canceling previously scheduled stops in London and Paris to return to Los Angeles to be with his new daugther and fiancee Katie Holmes.

"My mission impossible was to be here today," he said at a press conference. "I didn't want to come. My daughter was just born and I didn't want to leave her and her mother...I thought about not coming to Rome, but Kate said go and have fun."

Oh, Gawd... That was 100% Grade-A Cheeze.

I don't agree with the murmurs that Mr. Thetan timed the birth of his baby to co-incide with the publicity machine of his new flick, but he makes it very difficult to remain skeptical when he burbles something that stupid.

Please, aliens, if you're reading this, take Tom back. We don't want him.

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