Per Paul's post below, I think at this point, we ought to just make it simple on Bush and Company. Just tell us what you didn’t lie about, because apparently that’s a shorter list.
(Btw, it's nice to see Curveball making another appearance. Curveball, you may remember, was found to be “a fabricator and alcoholic.” And once again I suggest: Never trust a secret source code named Curveball.)
I don’t even know what else to say about this rubbish anymore. At some point, I just don’t give a shit whether any of these individual incidents of lying were illegal; taken as a whole, there is a plainly evident pattern of deliberate manipulation of intelligence and outright lying clearly designed to mislead the American people. They have fundamentally undermined the trust in our leadership upon which a successful democracy must rely.
If the GOP had a shred of credibility, they would launch impeachment proceedings immediately. This isn’t a partisan issue; it’s about one’s vision of America, and continuing to let these mendacious, unethical bastards stand at the helm of the ship of state, after they have repeatedly shown nothing but contempt for the American people’s fundamental right to know the truth, is indicative of a vision of America that acts in direct opposition to that laid out by the Founders. It’s really just that simple.
Is there no Republican in the whole of Congress who can acknowledge that their party has become irreparably corrupt, and that the only way to kill this monster is to cut off its head? (Don’t bother answering; it’s rhetorical.) Any Republican who cares about America is going to have to prove it by saying, “Look—we need to get rid of this guy, because he’s got three more years and America can’t bear and doesn’t deserve three more years of him. And yeah, it might mean we lose some of our control, but maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.” Short of that, they’re just a collection of complicit bastards who are no better than their disgusting leadership.
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