President Bush today said he had tried to avoid war with Iraq "diplomatically to the max."Nevermind what I'm watching on my TV screen. I'm more concerned with reading my president talking like he's an extra from Fast Times at Ridgemont High II: The Rapture.
…Bush also explained, in unusually stark terms, how his belief in God influences his foreign policy. "I base a lot of my foreign policy decisions on some things that I think are true," he said. "One, I believe there's an Almighty. And, secondly, I believe one of the great gifts of the Almighty is the desire in everybody's soul, regardless of what you look like or where you live, to be free."
…"The Articles of Confederation wasn't exactly a real smooth start for our government to begin. And what you're watching on your TV screens is a new democracy emerging."
John at Blogenlust, from whom I nicked the idea for the graphic, suggests perhaps if God is serving as Bush's Secretary of Defense, it's time for him to resign.
Creature at State of the Day, meanwhile, would like to know "When will reality return to this nation? Please, somebody tell me."
First, huh? Diplomacy wasn't even on GWB's to-do list when it came to Iraq. This is an all-out lie. Second, huh? He said, "to the max." The so-called leader of the free world has suddenly crossed into the Valley. And not even modern Valley, GWB is stuck in 1985 Valley.Sigh. Like, wow, dude.
I know it's unpopular these days for a soulless heathen traitor like me to parse the words of an avowed Christian like our fine president, but I'd really love to know how it happens that the Almighty considers it a greater imperative to deliver the gift of freedom to the souls of those who are sitting on a shitload of black gold than to those who, oh, I dunno, aren't. Or, is that, perhaps, an agenda that is born of a more earthly source?
Frankly, I can't help but consider this further evidence that god does not exist, because I can't imagine any self-respecting deity letting Bush get away with invoking "the Almighty" in defense of ignoring one human rights tragedy to perpetrate another. Then again, maybe smiting is just unfashionable among the eternal these days.
(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)
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