Accent: I’ve always been told I have a weird accent, probably because I was raised by a mother who was a Queens transplant and had been in Indiana less than a decade when I was first learning how to tawk. Mostly, you hear her influence when I say words like “horrible,” which comes out “hahrahble.” I remember being a little kid and thinking the word “spatula” was actually “spatuler,” because I associated words ending in Rs with being pronounced as though they end in As.
Booze: I’m not much of a drinker, but when I do, it’s usually amaretto or whiskey sours.
Chore I Hate: Cleaning the kitchen. I love cooking and hate doing dishes, even if it’s just putting them in the dishwasher. Thankfully, Mr. Shakes usually does this, since I do all the cooking.
Dog or Cat: I love both and had both growing up. I’m too erratic and lazy to be a proper dog owner, though, which will be further explained at the letter T, below.
Essential Electronics: Computer; water heater. I hate cold showers.
Favorite Cologne: Don’t wear any.
Gold or Silver: Silver. Or white gold, which is what my wedding band is.
Hometown: BFE, Indiana.
Insomnia: Often. I’m either asleep in five seconds or wide awake all night. I don’t really mind; I get a lot done.
Job Title:
Kids: None, although I have one nephew who I love more than words can say.
Living Arrangements: Cape Cod style home with a Scotsman and two cats.
Most Admirable Traits: Honesty. Desire to learn.
Number of Sexual Partners: Seven.
Overnight Hospital Stays: The only one I can remember is when I had back surgery in Sept. 2001. I was there five days.
Phobias: The dentist.
Quote: “Just do your best and don’t worry.”
Religion: None.
Siblings: One younger sister.
Time I Wake Up: Depends on when I go to bed. If I can fall asleep easily, I generally get up early. If I have insomnia, I may sleep a bit later, if I manage to sleep at all.
Unusual Talent or Skill: I can do perfect forgeries of other people’s handwriting.
Vegetable I Love: I’m hard-pressed to think of one I don’t like.
Worst Habit: Using “always” or “never” when I really mean “often” or “rarely.”
X-Rays: ??? The last x-rays I remember getting were of my lower back (and slightly lower) before surgery, and Mr. Shakes found great amusement in pointing out that you could see “my bits” on the x-rays.
Yummy Foods I Make: I try to make everything yummy, although I’m particularly proud of my homemade sauces.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus. And that’s no bull.
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