The latest USA Today/Gallup poll finds more than 6 in 10 Americans critical of President George W. Bush on the leak controversy. The more closely people are following the issue, the more likely they are to say he did something illegal rather than unethical.
Breakdown by party affiliation.
Skippy, taking a look at the woeful results, notes that the combined 70% of Independents who view the president as having done something unethical or illegal must not be making the GOP very happy. Note to Dems: Exploit, explot! Sic 'em! (Skippy also quips about the president's stagnant—or "steady," ahem—approval rating: "If that was an ekg on a hospital patient, we wouldn't say steady, we'd say flat-lined." Heh.)
Roxanne responds with a call to forget about censure and move right on to The Big I.
After last Thursday's revelation that Bush himself authorized Libby's leak of "classified" information to the Times, I think censure would be inadequate. It's time for the American public to push for impeachment…Excellent point. What the GOP may lack in principle, it certainly balances with political expediency, which oozes out of its every member's pores.
[A]re there modern-day Goldwaters willing to pick up the impeachment banner? Bush's free-fall in the polls, coupled with predictions about GOP losses in the mid-terms, may move some Republicans out of political expediency, if not principle.
Oh, and tangentially—those people who arent following the issue closely? It might be because they're watching Fox.
(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)
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