Name that Cult Movie: The Answering
Apparently, this was a very tough one this week. Here's the answers to the tricky quotations!
1. Time Bandits- John Cleese as Robin Hood. Brilliance. He's just so damn polite and charming and wonderful. You just have to love him muttering "Awful people" as our heroes leave the scene.
2. Best in Show- I thought this one would be harder to guess, but Fred Willard's character is so hysterical in this scene, I suppose every line he utters is a classic.
3. Meet The Feebles- The next time some Lord of the Rings geek starts going on and on about the genius of Peter Jackson, agree with them, then show them this. A completely sick and twisted movie, starring an all-puppet cast that screw, do drugs, shoot each other, and generally commit incredibly hilarious mayhem. Hell hath no fury like a hippo with a machine gun.
4. Pink Flamingos- John Waters' ultimate film. And yes, Divine really does eat a dog turd at the end.
5. Brazil- Hey, that makes two Terry Gilliam movies this week! Maybe I should have a film festival this weekend...
6. Meet the Hollowheads- I had a feeling no one would get this one. Hell, I think I'm probably the only person that's seen this movie. You can get some good information on the flick here at The Unknown Movies. It's a Brazil-ish, bizarre alternate-universe sitcom parody black comedy, starring John Glover, a very young Juliette Lewis, and Richard Portnow of The Sopranos (pictured above). It's your standard sitcom plot, Henry Hollowhead's boss is coming home to dinner, and he's hoping to get the promotion he's been expecting for over a decade. Needless to say, things go horribly wrong, and it gets worse from there. People seem to either love or hate this movie; I love it... part of my obsession with it probably has to do with the tubes that pump all life's necessities into the homes in this retro, yet futuristic community. From what I understand, the standard studio meddling changed this movie from the original concept of this completely biomechanical society perched on the edge (the original title was Living on the Edge) of an enormous black void, to what the producers obviously hoped would drag in the Married with Children crowd. Ugh. If you're in the mood a colorful, bizarre, quirky film brain-melting like you've never experienced, I highly recommend it.
7. Konga- Not Little Shop of Horrors. Michael Gough (he played Alfred in the Burton Batman movies) chews huge amounts of scenery in this fun giant ape on the loose flick. Gough did several of these silly horror flicks in the early 60's (Horrors of the Black Museum is another), but he's obviously having so much fun that you can't help enjoying yourself. Just look out for his man-eating plants!
8. It: The Terror from Beyond Space- Rumored to be one of the inspirations for Alien, this basically boils down to a "monster loose in the house" movie set on a rocket ship. Lots of fun.
9. Gremlins 2- Hey, another John Glover flick! If you're going to rent this, make sure you get the DVD version so you can see the same "film break" that audiences saw in the theatres. The VHS version has a "special to home video" change in this classic scene that makes me want to punch whatever genius thought it up.
10. Shakes the Clown- "The Citizen Kane of Alcoholic Clown Movies." Featuring Tom Kinney, the voice of Spongebob Squarepants, as one of the scariest evil clowns ever on film. If the scene where the clowns beat up the mimes doesn't warm your black little heart, you're dead to me.
Thank you all for playing... see you next week, same crap time, same crap channel!
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