Nigeria: a homobigot's dream land

Nigeria is the homobigot’s dream country. A law was proposed by the country’s president, Olusegun Obasanjo, that would criminalize even attending a gay wedding or being a member of a GLBT organization—and even living with a person of the same-sex. Obasanjo is really freaked out by gay people--you’d almost think his real name was Peter LaBarbera.

It would impose a five year sentence on any same-couple who marries or goes abroad to marry. It also bans same-sex couples from living together, wed or not, outlaws adoption by gays and goes so far as to make it a criminal offense to be a member of a gay club, social organization or LGBT civil rights group.

The legislation would also impose a prison term on anyone who attends a same-sex union, witnesses a union or celebrates a ceremony involving gay or lesbian couples.

It doesn’t just affect the people who are Nigerian:

The bill would include foreigners living in Nigeria – a move that has humanitarian aid organizations concerned.

Gay or lesbian aid workers who go to Nigeria from countries where same-sex marriage is legal would have their passports scrutinized for any indication of their sexuality or marital status.

Get this:

The bill also says that publicity or any public display of “same-sex amorous relationships” including those depicted in the electronic or print media physically, directly, indirectly or otherwise are prohibited under penalty of imprisonment in Nigeria.

Sounds just plain ol' batshit insane, doesn’t it? Well, it the same kind of country the AFA and their ilk are lusting for this country to be like. Maybe the AFA members will vacation there instead of Australia.

(have cross-post, will travel...but not to Nigeria)

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