OMG—Let it Go

The Clenis lives on—and it was tacky, too!

Drudge is reporting that a new book called Laura Bush: An Intimate Portrait reveals that the current First Lady was “appalled at the way the Clintons left the White House and Hillary Clinton's gaudy, outdated taste in decorating.”

On December 18, 2000, just after the Supreme Court ruled on the election, Hillary Clinton gave Laura Bush a tour of the White House. The incoming-First Lady was dismayed at what she saw: Not only were carpets and furnishings fraying and in disrepair in the West Wing and public areas, the Oval Office was done in loud colors—red, blue, and gold! The East Wing was cut up into small offices and had exposed electrical conduits. Many of the furnishings looked dated.

Laura Bush noted how the Lincoln Bedroom looked worn out.
Whatfuckingever. This is a total retread of the roundly discredited meme about which the wingers were bloviating soon after Bush took office—that the Clintons had “trashed” the White House. But let’s just say, just for shits and giggles, that it’s true. Maybe Hillary Clinton had better things to do than design optimistic rugs. Maybe the Clintons thought there were better things to spend taxpayer money on than prettying up the White House. Maybe Laura Bush is just a stupid bitch!


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