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State of the Day: George Bush, meet chaos theory. Hilarious.

Josh Marshall: No new blood in the White House because they can’t get any. Sounds about right. It’s a rare rat indeed who jumps onto a sinking ship.

Zuzu at Feministe: “Panty-Sniffing” Kansas attorney general thwarted. Good.

Media Matters: Michael Savage is a disgusting piece of shit. Just click through, read his vile spewage, and consider that millions of people listen to him every day.

NewsHog: Fib challenge. Here’s mine:

at all
sad to see
the McClellatron
disassembled from dissembling.

The Blend: Pam catches up with Santorum, who gets a blowjob from Giuliani and a shout-out from Tony Soprano.

Ez: Father-daugher purity balls are some kind of creepy shit. I have spent almost 32 years on this planet not discussing my sexual escapades (or lack thereof) with my father, and I believe that’s a good thing. I’m reasonably certain it would make his head explode, and would render me permanently celibate—which, come to think of it, might be the point.

Excuse the Mess: Shayera just has the best commentary on Rummy ever. In 26 words.

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