I will, however, take consolation in the possibility that, even if Moz and Marr aren’t, Gore is 'getting the band back together.'
Oh, I will. Come on, Al. All it takes is A Rush and a Push and the Land Is Ours.Al Gore is getting the band back together. In a move that could inch him closer to another bid at the presidency in 2008, the former vice president has hired Roy Neel, a veteran of presidential politics, to help run his current campaign to raise awareness of global warming.The WaPo's Richard Cohen added today, "[O]n paper, he is the near-perfect Democratic candidate for 2008." Gore may be a man on a mission, but is the mission the 2008 campaign? Stay tuned.
We stand on is ours
It has been before
So it shall be again
And people who are uglier than you and I
They take what they need, and just leave…
(This post dedicated to Roxanne.)
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