The founder of Vision America, which organized the War on Christians Conference, and author of Liberalism Kills Kids, Scarborough gave Tom DeLay one last delicious blowjob today, praising him as “a man of courage and commitment.”
"More than anyone in Washington, Tom DeLay fought our battles -- to end the horror of abortion, preserve the sanctity of marriage, rein-in a runaway judiciary and keep America one nation under God. We would be ingrates indeed if we did not take this occasion to express our appreciation for the contributions of this great man," Scarborough declared…Scarborough also noted that DeLay is only being presumed guilty because he is a conservative Christian. It has nothing to do, of course, with the sordid little affair he’s been having for years with the now-convicted Jack Abramoff. (Who, by the way, is not a conservative Christian, but an Orthodox Jew.)
"Heroes come and go. The cause of returning America to its Judeo-Christian roots continues."
There seems to be a bit of a breakdown in communication over at Rightwing Noise Machine headquarters, though, because John at Blogenlust quotes Conservative Bullshit Artist Extraordinaire Hindrocket saying, sure sure, DeLay’s been railroaded by evil lefties, but the truth is, he’s been too liberal recently, anyhow.
Yes, you read that right. Tom DeLay: Too Liberal.
So, we’ve got one nutwit going on about how Tom DeLay is a liberal, and another nutwit who’s ready to canonize him, in spite of his book claiming Liberalism Kills Kids. Can Tom DeLay be both a man of courage and commitment and a liberal kid-killer?
My head is spinning. Come on, conservatives. The only thing you had worth envying was consistency of message, no matter how mind-numbingly absurd. If you lose that, you’ve lost it all.
(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)
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