Six NY teens have named Rummy, David Chu, Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, and Matt Boehmer, Director of Advertising and Market Research Studies, in the suit, alleging they broke the law “by keeping an extensive database on potential recruits,” including records not expunged after three years as required by law and information such as social security numbers, which is also not legal.
The Pentagon has defended the practice as critical to the success of the all-volunteer U.S. military, and said it was sensitive to privacy concerns.Is there anyone in this administration not doing something criminal? Just wondering.
…The plaintiffs -- all 16- and 17-year-old students from the New York area -- were approached by military recruiters even after demanding that their information be stricken from the database, Lieberman said.
They want the court to declare the database illegal, force the military to stop keeping improper records and pay for their lawyers.
No wonder they don’t like trial lawyers.
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