They're Evil! Evil, I Tells Ya!
Ever eager to demonize her new targeted group of brown people, Michelle Malkin has once again been shrieking about the supposed "extremism" of the protesters, and has linked to yet another lie.
This is exactly what is driving me nuts about this entire immigration "debate." It is impossible to discuss anything in a rational manner with people that insist on smugly saying "they're called illegal immigrants, so that's the phrase I'm gonna use," (need I point out that these same people who refuse to label anything Prezint Stumbly McDoofuspants does as "illegal," even when it's blatantly proven to be just that?) and labeling them as fascists. When you refuse to see how a flag can be a symbol of cultural pride, and are unable to see past the vastness of your own privileged existence and open your eyes to masses of people being systematically marginalized, I really don't see how you can expect anyone to take any of your talking point regurgitations seriously.
The response, as always, is more claims of that much-loved security blanket of the bigot, reverse discrimination, and more blatant gleeful racism. It also doesn't hurt to fill the working poor in this country with terror that their job might be taken by one 'o them dirty illegals.
Until people that hold all the power in this country are able to recognize and admit to their system of privilege that has been set up since the beginning, and can get over their ridiculous fear of losing their status as Grand Poobah, we're never going to see anything remotely resembling civil justice and equality.
For more on racism and the white power movement (and more Malkin bullshit), read the brilliant David Neiwert's guest post at Firedoglake.
For more on White cultural identity and fear of loss of privilege, read Beverly Danie Tatum's "Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together In The Cafeteria?"; particularly the sections on "Understanding Whiteness in a White Context," and "White Identity and Affirmative Action."
(Everybody is a star... one big cross-post goin' round and round...)
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