Tom Harkin: Embarrassed by Dems

Appearing on the Bill Press Show, Iowa Senator Tom Harkin—the only Senate Democrat to back Feingold’s censure resolution—was asked why more Democrats hadn’t shown their support.

Well, Bill, quite frankly I don't know, and I'm embarrassed that more democrats haven't lined up on this. I mean, for crying out loud, the republicans, they can see fit to impeach… IMPEACH a president, Bill Clinton for lying about having an extramarital affair. But they won't stand for a censure. The democrats don't have the guts to stand up to censure a president who misled us, who lied to the American people, who broke the law and violated the Constitution of the United States in spying on the American people. I tell you, we've got to get some more backbone to a lot of democrats. We need to hear from people. We need to hear from people. The American people need to know, and to show support for this resolution.

Good on ya, Mr. Harkin.

(Via Jan Frel at Echo Chamber.)

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