They're too busy organizing and running events like this.
The College Republicans at Penn State University wanted to enter the debate about the nation's borders by playing a "Catch an Illegal Immigrant Game."Of course, they can't imagine why...
People would be invited to "catch" group members wearing orange shirts symbolizing illegal aliens.
Amid the student outcry that ensued, they softened their plan to an illegal immigration awareness day in which leafleting and speech-making would let both sides air their views on immigration policies.
But that hasn't entirely erased the bad feeling over the campus event, now planned for Wednesday.
Yesterday, about 150 students and some faculty opposed to the idea rallied in the student union building. And the university itself joined the fray, urging the College Republicans to "re-think their approach as a step toward fostering civility on campus."
Penn State President Graham Spanier labeled the original idea "unproductive and offensive."
An official with the College Republicans seemed at a loss yesterday to understand the continuing outrage as he stood within earshot of speakers who decried his group as discriminatory and insensitive.
Deafened by the roar of the vaccuum in his own empty skull, I assume.
Hey, College Republicans, this doesn't seem to be working... why not organize a bake sale or something?
Oh. You've already had that idea. My mistake... I forgot about the racism.
(It wasn't a rock... it was a Rock Cross-post!)
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