PRESIDENT George Bush can’t get no satisfaction — after Mick Jagger grabbed his hotel room.
The Rolling Stone splashed out £3,600 a night for the suite days before the US leader tried to book it.Now Mick, 62, who has been a fierce critic of the Bush-led war in Iraq, is refusing to give it up.
Apparently Bush's people automatically assumed that Jagger and the Stones would just hand over all their rooms because Bush wants to stay there when he attends a summit in June. The arrogance is disgusting.
The hotel last night admitted US secret service agents vetted the accommodation — and confirmed that Bush would no longer be staying there.I hear at Motel 6 they always leave the light on for you. BTW, this is the suite Bush wanted:An American Embassy official refused to say where he was now staying for “security reasons”.
Opulent, isn't it? Not that world leaders (or "deciders") shouldn't stay in nice accomodations---but damn. Anyhow, Bush is going there for the EU-USA Summit. Here are highlights from the last summit, held here in DC last June.
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