
As part of “Senior Prank Day” at Huntsville High School in Huntsville, Alabama, a group of students pulled off the awesome prank of humiliating a homeless and mentally ill Vietnam vet by luring him to the school with the promise of food and money, only to yank off his pants in front of a group of their classmates, who found the “prank” uproariously hilarious.

The students involved posted gushing accounts of how splendid their prank was on websites, including pictures of the naked man at the center of their heinous little game.

"This is for all who thought our senior prank was hilarious, and that think it's bullsh*t that they are making such a big deal over it," student ringleader Charles Bendall bragged on the website

Other students left comments cheering the humiliation.

"Brilliant, legendary, comical excellence and you can quote that WAFF," said one student, referring to a local TV station that did several news reports on the outrage.

"This will go down in history, end of story," wrote a Huntsville student.
Four seniors are being punished, although as many as 40 students were involved. They will have to do volunteer work at a homeless shelter and will not be allowed to participate in their graduation ceremony, though they will be graduated. None of them will be arrested. This, after the Huntsville High School media spokesperson Keith Ward promised, "This was a serious offense and will have serious consequences.” Yeah. I’m sure they’ll learn their lesson from being barred from tossing their mortarboards and having to do a few hours of volunteer work on behalf of people they clearly don’t consider human in the first place.

Anyone want to wager a guess as to many of these kids’ parents have “Support the Troops” stickers on their cars?

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