What you’re looking at is a want ad for temps to move around voting machines on the day of California's upcoming primary election. You know, those “tamper proof” voting machines that ensure us fair elections. Harrumph.
So much for those vaunted claims by California's Sec. of State Bruce McPherson and his partners at Diebold, Inc. about increased security surrounding the physical access to electronic voting machines in light of newly revealed vulnerabilities to easy tampering...As always, Brad Friedman has much, much more. If we ever do have fair elections again in this country, we will owe no one a greater thanks than Brad. Period.
Several recent independent analyses of Diebold's electronic voting machines (both optical-scan and touch-screen systems) have revealed that physical access to machines allows a malicious individual to easily alter, or completely replace, all data, voting software and operating system on the machines or their memory cards in a matter of minutes.
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