Sorry for the lack of posts, Shakers. My computer’s been down for about 24 hours while we were working on the office. And we’re still…not…done. Sigh. A few more hours tonight, and we'll both collapse into a giant heap of radiating pain and dripping sweat.
Yesterday, I had to carry all of our books out of the office so we could move the shelves to lay the carpet, and now I’m in the process of carrying them all back into the office. And let me tell you, it a damn lotta books. I have now officially declared reading overrated!
Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday, and I’ll see you tomorrow!
(Btw, I left the key to the bar under the front door mat, so if anyone would like to take up bartending duties, please feel free. Remember, drinks are always on the house and McEwan’s Scotch Ale is on tap...)
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