But some rock songs really are conservative — and there are more of them than you might think. Last year, I asked readers of National Review Online to nominate conservative rock songs. Hundreds of suggestions poured in. I’ve sifted through them all, downloaded scores of mp3s, and puzzled over a lot of lyrics. What follows is a list of the 50 greatest conservative rock songs of all time, as determined by me and a few others.Words fail me.
Well, maybe not entirely- I mean, come on. How desperate do you have to be to argue that “Won’t Get Fooled Again” is pro-conservative? It’s like claiming 1984 is pro-totalitarian, simply because Big Brother wins in the end. Acknowledging the futility of struggling against the system isn’t the same thing as celebrating that system, and only a fool would think so.
This arrogant need to interpret content in a manner that simply reinforces one’s own beliefs, regardless of the original work’s complexities, typifies the rest of the list; it’s a telling indictment of the conservative ideology as a whole. Any political philosophy that requires its followers to value blind adherence over rationality is useless, and while the original ideas behind conservatism may have some merit, modern conservatism is simply a sharp stick for people so terrified of color that they’d rather blind the world than admit they can see.
Anyway, it's a hilarious article. And informative as well; I never realized that not getting what you want, but trying and finding and sometimes getting what you need, was a Conservative Value.
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