Passed on by Camera Obscura, who found it at Granny Geek’s place. Granny says, “OF COURSE Granny called Intellectual Properties Management at the King Center in Atlanta. OF COURSE they asked for this photo.” Heh.
I have a dream…
…that the nutwits running crap shows in Branson, MO wouldn’t co-opt an image of America’s greatest civil rights leader for use in a tacky advertisement.
Passed on by Camera Obscura, who found it at Granny Geek’s place. Granny says, “OF COURSE Granny called Intellectual Properties Management at the King Center in Atlanta. OF COURSE they asked for this photo.” Heh.
Passed on by Camera Obscura, who found it at Granny Geek’s place. Granny says, “OF COURSE Granny called Intellectual Properties Management at the King Center in Atlanta. OF COURSE they asked for this photo.” Heh.
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