
As in, hitting myself in the head with a tack hammer might be interesting:

Seeking to choke off a Republican rallying cry, the House's top Democrat has told colleagues that the party will not seek to impeach President Bush even if it gains control of the House in November's elections, her office said last night.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) told her caucus members during their weekly closed meeting Wednesday "that impeachment is off the table; she is not interested in pursuing it," spokesman Brendan Daly said.
See, here’s why that’s a terrible idea. Only if Democrats gain control of the House in November’s elections will many of the long overdue investigations of various administration actions of dubious legality be possible. Some of them might uncover offenses that a majority of Americans would find worthy of impeachment—so why take the possibility off the table?

Nancy, what your statement tells me is either the Dems have no interest in pursuing these much-needed investigations in the first place (if given the opportunity), or that you’re willing to chuck out one very important option now, thereby signaling that doing an end-run around GOP campaign trickery now is more important than serving the American people in any and every possible capacity later. Either way, I don’t like it. Harrumph.

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