Martin Gregory,52, was enjoying a Sunday afternoon in his garden. Deciding that his ten-year-old asparagus plant was dead, he pulled it from its pot.Jesus juice?
"I dug out the plant and put it on the side but, when I looked at it again, I could see a face staring straight back at me," Gregory said.
…But the part-time mosaic tutor is trying to keep a level head about the whole affair.
"It has not made me religious. But it could be something supernatural linked to the abbey ruins [across the way]. We don't know what's in the ground."
Holy folks are just going hogwild these days, presenting their images on sheet metal, trees, more trees, wardrobes, water stains, grilled cheese sandwiches, potato chips, plates of pasta, drywall, fish, more fish, and other junk. Forget Page Six—we need a Page 777 to keep up with all these holy sightings.
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