In Washington the other day, I got a chance to tell Al Gore something I’d meant to say for a long time, which was that I thought his real strength, his real contribution, was as an observer—writer, explainer, outsider—and not as a politician.Well, I haven’t known Gore for decades, so take this for whatever it’s worth, but maybe he just said “umm” because he didn’t feel it was the appropriate venue to say “Yeah, well opinions are like assholes—everybody’s got one and they all stink,” or “Well, that and two bucks will get me across town,” or, simply, “Fuck you, Fineman.”
The new movie about him was evidence of that, I said. He gave me a blank, dismissive look, and an “umm” for a verbal response.
I’ve known and covered Gore for decades, so maybe his reaction was inspired by Groucho Marx, who always said that he would never join a club that would have him as a member. But I think the brusque reply carried a different message: don’t assume that I’m ready to be put out to that pasture just yet.
It seems hard to dispute that Al Gore finally has built the life he wanted—and that it is outside of electoral politics.Gee, you know, some people might suggest that the life Al Gore wanted was running the fucking country after winning the election, moving the country forward, as opposed to the wild ride Mr. Toad’s been taking us on the past give years. Of course, the press didn’t seem to notice that there was only one guy who really seemed to want the job—and most, importantly, to assume the responsibilities it entailed, no less be prepared for them—back when you were stitching tales about Gore claiming he invented the internets and lauding Bush as a man of the people, so I don’t guess I’m surprised that you fail to consider it now, either.
Fineman, after winding his way through all the reasons Gore probably isn’t—and shouldn’t—consider a presidential run, finally ends up with a list of all the things Gore has been right about: “the concerns about global warming, the implications of the rise of the internet, the need to be wary of deadly friction along the faultline between Islam and the West, his early and deep opposition to the launching a war in Iraq. It’s an impressive record.” And then, just for kicks, uses as his column’s dénouement:
“The reason people don’t like Gore is that he has been right so damn many times,” James Carville told me with an appreciate laugh.Oh, ho ho ho. You’re so witty, Carville, you suckass cracker. I guess that’s why the press loves Bush so goddamned much—because he’s never been right in his life.
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