Social workers called out by a worried mum to speak to her daughter about her loose morals were shocked to find out their ages.Why do I get the feeling that old Adelheid’s definition of “uncontrollable, immoral, and loose behavior” is slightly different than mine?
They had to tell the 92-year-old German mother that her 68-year-old daughter's love life was none of their business.
Adelheid Schmidt called the youth department of social services in Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, to complain about her daughter Tina's "uncontrollable, immoral and loose behaviour with men".
Mrs Schmidt made the call after she found out that Tina had a boyfriend.
But the social workers told her they could not help her as her "child" was 50 years past the age limit where social services can get involved.
Meddling Mum
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