"Name That Cult Movie"- The Answering
You cannot escape the Mullet.
Looks like it was a particularly tough one this week; and I thought many of them were giveaways. Anyway, I hope I didn't frustrate and/or piss off too many of you! Here are the answers (with quotes included)
1. "Don't worry. A naked girl is not going to get out of this complex."
Lifeforce. Space vampires! This was Tobe Hooper's first movie after Poltergeist, unfortunately, it wasn't quite as popular. Which is a shame, when you consider this movie has everything: space vampires! Zombies! 'Splosions! And nekkid ladies, for those of you that like that sort of thing in your space vampire movies. I got all nostalgic after using this quote yesterday and put it in my Netflix queueueue. This will be the best Memorial Day weekend ever! Did I mention space vampires?
2. "The chicken's beautiful, it's dead... are you gonna fuck it?"
Liquid Sky. Aliens come to earth looking for heroin, but find they get a bigger charge out of the chemicals produced by the human brain during orgasm. This is one of those cult movies that most of my friends seem to love, but I just find incredibly dull and pointless. But that's just me. View at your own risk.
3. "I'm about to go like Jesse on your ass! I'm gonna find me some other black ghosts and then organize a march. The African American Apparition Coalition. The A-double AC! And I'm gonna tell you something, Frank. There ain't nothin' worse than a bunch of pissed off brothers that's already dead."
The Frighteners. Apparently, I'm obsessed with pointing out every movie Peter Jackson made before he got all Hobbity. This was pretty much dismissed when it was released, but if you've never seen it, I highly recommend renting it. (Or buying it; a new special edition just came out.) It's a fantastic, fun movie... Michael J. Fox is great in it, and Jeffrey Combs' twitchy, "Mulder-esque" character is worth the price of admission.
4. "I hear all sorts of bullshit everyday, pal. You want some advice? Take your fancy clothes and your black silk underwear and go back to Disneyland."
Double Impact. See, Jean-Claude Van Damme stars, and he's.. heh... he's playing two roles, *snicker* and see, one's a nice guy kung-fu expert and dancing instructor, heh heh, and the other one's a criminal, and they're twins separated at birth when their parents are killed by crime bosses... bwah hahahaha! God, I love this movie. "Bad" Jean-Claude is obsessed with the fact that his "faggoty" brother wears black silk underwear. Hearing him say that phrase is one of the high points of the movie. Snicker.
5. "I got good news and bad news girls. The good news is your dates are here."
"What's the bad news?"
"They're dead."
Night of the Creeps. Classic 80's Zombie Horror. Where's the damn DVD release? Look, it features zombie frat boys with exploding heads filled with extraterrestrial slug monsters. If that doesn't deserve DVD, I don't know what does. (Toast is going to kill me for that one.)
6. "Robert, I have good news and bad."
"Custom dictates that you render the bad news first."
"We have a little problem with Miss Hastings. It appears she has uncovered our alliance."
"No problem at all. And the good news?"
"Your wife died."
Darkman. Sure, Liam Neeson is Mister Respected Actor these days, but don't forget, he was in this, and Krull. (Somehow, I think he's got a good sense of humor about doing these movies.) Also featuring Frances McDormand! If you haven't seen this one, definitely rent it. They haven't given Sam Raimi those big Spiderman movies for nothing, you know.
7. "Queers are just better! I'd be so proud if you was a fag, and had a nice beautician boyfriend... I'd never have to worry!"
"There ain't nothin' to worry about."
"I'm worried you'll work in an office! Have children! Celebrate wedding anniversaries! The world of a heterosexual is a sick and boring life!"
Female Trouble. Fran is right, this incredible quote was used as an intro to a song by the band "Sloppy Seconds." I had this as my answering machine message for a while.
8. "Look at 'em jump! Just like rabbits!"
"It... ain't... supposed to be... this way..." *dies*
The Violent Years. Written by, but not directed by, Ed Wood. Bad, vandalist girls that wreak havoc in a small town while wearing proper, prim skirts and sensible shoes. There's a completely weird scene of implied rape, where the girls drag some baffled guy off into the woods to have their nasty way with him. In 1956! No one did 'em like Ed Wood. You know they're really bad girls, because they have names like Geraldine and Phyllis.
9. "There are many different kinds of love, Boris. There's love between a man and a woman; between a mother and son..."
"Two women. Let's not forget my favorite."
Love and Death. Take your Manhattan, take your Sleeper... great movies, but this has always been my favorite Woody Allen movie. The silent "bottle knockout" scene is one of the funniest moments of slapstick in movie history.
10. "I caught a big fat bug right in my spider web and now the spider gets to give the bug a big sting... Sting! Sting! Sting! Sting!"
Spider Baby. A family suffers from a rare illness that causes them to regress mentally as they age. They're kept in a huge, crumbling house by their "caretaker," (Lon Chaney, Jr.) and slowly go nuts. A classic. There's a great review and images (and an MP3 of the title song!) here. Don't say I never gave you anything.
So, how did you like having the quotes included with the answers? Was this one too difficult?
Black. Silk. Underwear.
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