O’Reilly: Biggest Tool Ever

The only explanation I have is that he is now doing a parody of Stephen Colbert doing a parody of him.

He’s threatened a boycott of Mexico.

After hearing President Bush order 6,000 National Guard troops to the southern border earlier this week, Mexico's foreign secretary, Luis Ernesto Derbez, went on a radio program in Mexico City and said, quote, "If there is a real wave of rights abuses, if we see the National Guard starting to directly participate in detaining people, we would immediately start filing lawsuits through our consulates."

OK, then, Mr. Secretary, here's a no-spin message right back to you: If the Mexican government files one lawsuit in the U.S.A., one, pertaining to the National Guard, I will call for a total boycott of Mexican goods and no travel to your country. … [A]ny action by the Mexican government that impacts border security and the U.S.A. will be met with a boycott call. And if you don't believe me or you think it doesn't matter, Mr. Secretary, why don't you give the French ambassador a call? He'll fill you in.
Yes, I’m sure he’ll be happy to make it perfectly clear that the bloviating buttfor’s boycott on France had absolutely no discernible effect whatsoever.

From March 2003 through June 2003 -- the first four months after O'Reilly's call for a boycott -- total U.S. imports from France outpaced the same four months in 2002 by $55 million; by the end of 2003, U.S. imports for March through December totaled $24.6 billion compared with $23.8 billion for the same months in 2002.
Ooh, I bet you’re shaking in your boots now, aren’t ya, Mexico?!

Ironically, O’Reilly’s really only hurting himself.

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