Okay, I know I just said
earlier today that Pat Robertson doesn’t have the market cornered on crazy, but there’s no denying he’s still the Nutball Champion of the World. The latest evidence:
Yes, that’s right. Pat Robertson’s got the recipe for a miracle shake that can allow him to leg press 665 pounds
more than
the all-time Florida State University leg press record-holder, who burst the capillaries in his eyes leg-pressing 1,335 pounds of weight which required a modification of the machine just to accommodate it. Is this “delicious, refreshing shake, filled with energy-producing nutrients” also filled with supercrack, or is Pat Robertson just full of shit?
Methinks it’s the latter.
The hat tip goes to
Griffin, who notes, “Oh, Pat. Didn't you hear? ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness.’ Exodus 20:16.” Heh.
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