With all the various discussions of angry liberals going on lately, and the well-discussed phenomenon of wanting to put one’s fist through the television every time Bush’s face is on it, to which most of the Shakers seem to relate, this seems a rather appropriate question: What, aside from politics (or related cultural issues, like prejudice), has the capacity to make you so angry that you’re absolutely sure there’s steam coming out of your ears?
I have a pretty stunning (and typically Taurean) temper, but I also have a very long fuse. The only thing that will send me “off on one” immediately is being treated like I’m an idiot. Trying to scam me with an obvious lie, speaking to me as though I’m a child, telling me grass is pink and acting like I’m a moron for believing it’s green, responding to a question to which I couldn’t possibly know the answer with contemptuous sarcasm…any of these will cause me to unsheathe my wrath in approximately a nanosecond.
I also used to go apeshit when I couldn’t find something, but not so much anymore, now that I’m married to a man who doesn’t believe that anything has a logical place, just puts shit wherever, and never remembers where he puts it. Sometimes you’ve just got to learn to laugh, or you’ll put yourself in an early grave.
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