Question of the Day

What esoteric subject do you know a whole lot about? Or, if it's not esoteric, a subject that either seems rather odd given your personality or background, or is a subject you've never studied but managed to make its way into your brain, anyway?

I never realized I know a lot about birds until Mr. Shakes and I were watching Winged Migration, and I kept identifying all the different breeds, including rather rare ones, before the narration did. After awhile, I noticed he was looking at me perplexedly. "Hoo the fook doo you knoo all this shite?" I just laughed, as it struck me I had no idea, considering I've never studied birds at all. "I don't know," I told him. "Just sunk in from the ether, I guess." Maybe I was a bird watcher in a former life or something.

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