You’re reading this on your computer screen (if not, get out of my head), which requires electricity and a lot of complicated circuit boards and wires and still smaller wires to run. I think. Anyway, we can all agree that being able to use a machine like this proves you aren’t living in the Dark Ages, at least not in the historical sense.
Apparently, some people haven’t got the message yet:
With 06/06/06 looming (June 6, 2006), authorities in some cities are worrying prophecy theorists or hate groups might read something ominous into the date and use it as an excuse to stir tension. Some expectant mothers are making birthing appointments to ensure they avoid the date, according to the Sunday Times in London.Marvellous. I’ll give you that the hate group thing may be a legitimate concern; but then, hate groups are always a legitimate concern. What really gets me are the “prophecy theorists” who might “stir tension.” Damn those book-cooks! They’ve had their Da Vinci jumble, wasn’t that enough? Must they take their suspiciously vague and impossible to prove paranoia to the easily swayed masses?
Also nice to hear that expectant mothers are trying to delay (or hasten) their pregnancies. Look, if the sixth of this year really was, for some damn fool reason, the evilest day ever, I’m willing to bet that Satan would be able to override modern medicine to get that all important Anti-Christ in under the wire. Or better- the Morningstar is a tricky sonofabitch, I’ll bet he’ll slip his spawn in on some unrelated date simply to mess with us. “Oh, Luke, I thank God every day that we were able to induce you on the first. Unlike that Damien brat down the block. His mother lets him wear purple, can you believe it? He simply must be evil. Now, finish your lamb’s blood, and maybe you can help me find what happened to your nanny…”
I suppose there’s something to be said for trying to bring some suspense into your life by believing in the unseen, but it's just so exasperatingly arbitrary to assume a group of numbers other than your credit rating will have any real influence over your life. I’m going to tentatively assume that this Yahoo article is a bit of under-the-radar marketing for the upcoming Omen remake, but it’s a hoot regardless.
Still, Ann Coulter’s new book is coming out on the sixth, so I guess it won’t be an entirely evil-free day…
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