Wednesday’s Quotes of the Day

Shakespeare’s Sister, what are you talking about? It’s Tuesday.

I know. I haven’t officially lost it (yet). But tomorrow, I’d like to feature the best quotes from Shakers’ blogs, as chosen by the authors. Think of it as your chance to blogwhore your very best.

Pull out something insightful, funny, eloquent, snarky, or otherwise makes you proud to have written it, and email it to me. It can be on any topic*, 100 200 words or less. And make sure you include the link to the post from which it came. Don’t be shy—no blogger is too big or too small to participate!

Around noon tomorrow (or so), I’ll compile and post them. I imagine it will make for some very excellent reading.


* With the usual exceptions. Nothing sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. will be posted.

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