Blanco to sign abortion bill


Governor Kathleen Blanco (D-Louisiana) said today that she'll sign a near-total ban on abortion -- without exceptions for rape or incest victims -- that is nearing final legislative passage…

In an interview with The Associated Press, Blanco says she anticipates signing the bill. She says she believes an exception for rape and incest victims to get an abortion, a proposal rejected by both the House and Senate, would have "been reasonable," but she said she wouldn't reject the bill for that reason.

Under the measure, doctors found guilty of performing abortions would face up to ten years in prison and fines of 100-thousand dollars.
Ann at Feministing, who gets the hat tip, says, “This is why it's unreasonable for pro-choicers to support politicians just because they're nominally Democrats. When we elect people like Blanco to ‘win back’ the South, we really lose.” Yup.

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