Colbert Rocks

Shaker M left this in comments, but it’s so great, I wanted to post it so it wouldn’t get missed:

I actually did send Stephen Colbert a thank you card after the White House Correspondents’ dinner. I made him a pop-up card of an eagle. When the card opened, the beak opened, as if to let out a shriek. It was collaged like a mosaic out of bits of handmade paper. I spent almost four hours on it, because making pop up cards brings me joy and I tend to put a lot of work into them. I also made a envelope. I had to send it several times because it kept coming back to me in the mail. I thought about giving up, but my friends urged me to keep sending it. Today I got home from work, tired and grumpy after a crowded subway ride full of Yankees fans. In my mailbox I found a hand-written thank you from Stephen Colbert, telling me how beautiful my card was, and asking if I had any other art. (I do! I do!) He even spelled my name right, which few people do. What a treat on a Friday! Thanks for giving me the inspiration for sending a snail-mail thank you, to whoever came up with that idea and posted the address.

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