John Cusack's motivation for his latest film grew out of something he did not see -- flag-draped caskets returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.Cusack is a good Chicago progressive, who also has excellent taste in music. I’m looking forward to this one.
Pentagon policy bans media coverage of America's war dead as their remains are returned. The administration of U.S. President George Bush has strongly enforced the ban, something Cusack describes as "one of the most shameful, disgraceful, cowardly political acts that I've seen in my lifetime."
So the actor started looking for a project that would illustrate "what happens when the coffins come home."
The result is "Grace Is Gone," a small, independent film in which Cusack plays a man whose wife Grace is killed in service in Iraq.
Cusack and the Hidden Coffins
I know we’ve got a few rabid John Cusack fans around here, so I thought this would be of interest:
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