Today, we kick off the formal formation of the Draft Gore 2008 PAC. I happen to be from Maine, and overwhelmingly support the concept of public financing of political campaigns. So, from June 1st through June 30th, when the second fiscal quarter closes for FEC-registered candidates and PACs, DG08 asks Gore supporters to vote with their wallets: While total fundraising amounts are important, our initial goal for our first reporting quarter is the number of supporters we can point to as wholeheartedly supporting Gore, whatever your financial position in life. Can we reach a goal of a hundred, or a thousand, or five thousand individuals within the grass- and net-roots willing to send the message that Gore is the most qualified candidate for the Democratic nomination in 2008? We believe we can.You’ll find an explanation of the premise at the link, along with directions on how to donate, and what the money will be used for. (Donations are not tax deductible.)
Shakespeare’s Sister is a blogrolled supporter of DraftGore2008, and I’ve given my $5. It’s the very least I can do to let Gore know that I want him to run.
Have at me, Haikuist.
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