Awwww. I’m all broken up about the failure of yet another cynical attempt by the GOP to rally the base by spending three days debating the legislative equivalent of schoolyard bully staple Smear the Queer. A special bravo to supertastic suckass John McCain for refusing to support the amendment on the grounds that the American people are bigoted enough to protect marriage without the help of the federal government, thereby giving himself the wiggle room to claim during the 2008 presidential election that he’s not as wingnutty as Bush and the rest of the GOP.
As an aside, in all the coverage of this (non)issue, I give the Queerbait Award to ABC News for No Rose Garden for Bush's Anti-Gay Marriage Speech.
Despite decent weather, White House organizers moved President Bush's endorsement of the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage from the austere and unmistakably presidential Rose Garden, where invitations last week advertised it would be, into a plain room with blue curtains at an office building next door.Of course they did. Rose gardens are so gay.
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