Please help Brigitte Dillen and Ivo Driessens
name their 15th baby:
A Belgian couple expecting their 15th baby have put an ad in a newspaper because they have run out of ideas for names. [They] have given all of their children names ending in a 'y' but can't think of anymore. So they have asked readers of the Gazet Van Antwerpen to help name their 15th baby.
The new baby will be a brother or sister for Wendy (20), Cindy (18), Jimmy (17), Brendy (16), Sonny (15), Sandy (14), Purdy (13), Chardy (9), Yorry (8), Yony (6), Britney (5), Yenty (3), Ruby (2) and Xanty (1).
A few off the top of my head: Dopey, Grumpy, Sleepy, Sneezy, and Happy.
Ivo said: "My wife has said she wants to stop having babies after her 40th birthday. She's 37 now. We still have time for twins."
Settle down, Ivo. You’re making
my uterus ache.
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