Have you seen this book?

It came out in May of 2003, and if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend checking it out. It's a collection of "remixed" war propaganda posters from WWII; a "hilarious" collection of biting commentary on the media and the Iraq war. I put quotes around "hilarious" because it's one of those "Ha! *sob* Ha!" things.
Former Army Ranger turned antiwar comic book artist Wright had what he calls a moment of clarity after participating in the U.S.'s 1989 invasion of Panama. Feeling that media coverage was blatantly pro-war, but that the post-invasion results for Panama were far from positive, he offers this as a (belated) warning against war on Iraq. Reworking American propaganda posters from WWI and WWII, Wright reveals his satiric take on current events: one poster reads, "Millions of troops are on the move...All To Protect Your Oil Supply! Is your SUV really worth their lives?" In another, a girl sitting in her father's lap asks, "Daddy, why don't YOU or any of your friends from ENRON have to go to war?" And many are messages from the Orwellian-sounding "Ministry of Homeland Security": The Statue of Liberty points to the onlooker and commands, "You! Stop Asking Questions! You're Either With U.S. or You're With The TERRORISTS!" The antiwar contingent will read these and weep, rather than laugh. (Publisher's Weekly)
Well more like laugh through the tears, actually. The sequel, recently released, has a title that seems more and more appropriate as time goes on:

In a classic example of completely missing the point (and, not to mention, completely ripping the authors off), Michelle Malkin and her howling pack of winged monkeys have taken this idea and beaten it into the ground with their own versions of "remixed" propaganda posters. However, their "posters" are aimed at the New York Times, and those damned liberals that can't keep their mouths shut! (Not to mention conveniently ignoring the fact that Prezint Leaky McDribblelips spilled the "we're checkin' BANKS!" tidbit a good long while ago.)

Now, I don't recommend looking at Malkin's site. I'll show you a few examples below. But if you must, they're here. I will say this:
  1. Conservatives, particularly Malkin followers, have no sense of what's funny. But you knew that already.
  2. This is some of the worst... the worst Photoshop work I've ever seen.
Here's my favorite:
Yeah! If you nasty libruls don't shut up, we'll all wind up in the ocean somewhere!
Of course, the President and his little war had nothing to do with that. But that New York Times story... man... they're dropping like flies.

Wait! Cue heartstring plucking!
Sorry, my eyeballs just fell out from all that rolling. How about, "Don't Kill Her Daddy with Pointless Wars Based on Lies?" Or how about "Don't Kill Her Daddy by Sending Him into Battle With No Body Armor?"

And the winner of the Photoshop award:
Bravo. Excellent work. You can barely see the seams. *Snicker* Uh... did it occur to you that you were casting Rove in the role of a Nazi when you burped this one up?

Look, you morons. If you don't like the press keeping tabs on the government like they're supposed to do, then stop sending our fucking soldiers to bogus wars to "defend democracy." They are supposedly over there fighting for things like... freedom of the press, remember?

Oh, and here. I think you can use this. Don't say I never gave you anything.

(Tip 'o the Energy Dome to Grumpy Old Man.)

(It's a long way... to cross-posts...)

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