Awwww. Look at that face!
Shaker Jaclyn emailed me with the request that the Shakers help name her newest addition to the family. “The hubby and I have been fostering this little sweetie for a month now. I helped pull her out from under a truck in our parking lot at work. From conversations with other people who had seen her previously, we have determined that she had hitched rides under trucks at least three times. She's very resourceful.
Well, we're in the south. This time of year in particular, there are oodles of homeless kittens. So we haven't found her a home, and now we're getting rather attached. Looks like she'll become the fourth kitty in the house. But we haven't found a good name.”
So what have you got, Shakers?
(You can see a picture of Jaclyn’s very handsome Morris, one of Unnamed Kitty’s feline companions, here.)
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