So I’m reading this story at CNN which reports that US officials, “speaking on condition of anonymity” as always, believe that North Korea is fueling a missile capable of reaching Alaska, “raising the probability of an imminent test launch.”
And, because I am a jaded American news consumer, all I can do is wonder if these are the anonymous officials who like to use the media to disseminate propaganda on behalf of the administration, or the anonymous officials who like to use the media to leak information that shows the administration is mucking shit up. In other words, I have absolutely no idea whether this story is utter bullshit or totally true, or falls into some gray area in between.
Assuming it’s not true: Holy fuck. What disastrous mess will the administration lead us into based on nonsense this time?
Assuming it is true: Holy fuck. What disastrous mess has the administration led us into by diverting our attention from North Korea with their Middle East misadventures?
Who knows what to think of this shit anymore? Drum has some interesting thoughts about this being “a good real-life test of the ‘use of force’ question,” though, so go read him. I’m useless.
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