Kathy Griffin in Iraq

As I've mentioned before, I love Kathy Griffin. The past two episodes of her show My Life on the D-List have followed her from L.A. to Kuwait, then Tikrit, then Baghdad, where she went to put on comedy shows for the troops. Along the way, she visited injured soldiers and spent the night in one of Saddam's palaces; during her stay, there were incoming rockets, and she had to do the first part of her show in the dark for security reasons. Below is a clip from the first of the two episodes. The best part is at the end, when the soldiers talk about what it meant for them to have her there. It's a really amazing thing people do, who go over there to entertain our troops. If you have the opportunity to catch these two episodes in re-runs, I recommend watching them. And, if you're like me, and you regularly break into sobs watching anything that has to do with the war, keep the tissues handy.

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